Frequently Asked Questions
- How is Postal Notice™ different then Informed Delivery? Currently Informed Delivery (ID) previews the days letter mail in gray scale images with a notification usually in morning AM hours. Postal Notice informs mail recipients the exact moment mail has arrived by the afternoon PM hours. Basically Informed Delivery previews and Postal Notice informs of actually delivery time with no false positives.
- How is Postal Notice™ different then Informed Visibility? Currently Informed Visibility (IV) will never be live, at the moment, because letter carriers are required to physically hand scan surprise letters at intermediate addresses every 10-25% of their route. At this everyday labor rate all 158.6 million mailboxes will have to be scanned.
- Is it expensive? No. The service does not require any additional labor hours on the postal carriers and therefore should cost a minimal monthly rate.
- On what devices can I receive the notification ? Cellular text, internet email, or traditional landline
- What technology and features does it use? Internet of Things (iot), GeoFence, Mobile Data Devices, Cloud data, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- Do I have to be at home to receive the notification? No. The alert will be sent via text, email, or pre-recorded call.
- When will the service be available to domestic population? An agreement needs to be in place with the Postal Service before it starts. Please contact your Congressman or Congresswoman.
- Are there any competing technologies? Yes. Mailbox reminder alert sensors which require hardware, batteries, and sometimes limited range from the blackbox inside the receptacle.
- Does it require a tracking number or barcode? No. That is the coolest part about it.
- Will there be false positives if no incoming mail? No. The service double checks Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Delivery Point Sequence & Informed Delivery before a notification alert is sent out for today’s mail.
- Would it be easy to implement the service? Yes. The postal carriers already carry GPS devices contacted to cellular networks that utilize the GeoFence feature for their own internal map routing.
- How does the service benefit the elderly, disabled, or those with mobility issues? The service takes the stress and discomfort away because there will be no wasted to trips.
- Does the service require any additional hardware, sensors or batteries placed in the mailbox? No. Your Local Postal carrier carries a handheld GPS device and the customer needs no hardware